Cups to Gram conversion (Flour-Sugar-Butter)

Frequently I get questions on how much gram is 1 cup of  flour or sugar especially when it comes to baking. Measurements are very important in baking. It is really difficult to write both the measurements (cups and grams) every time. So I decided on a separate post hoping it will be useful for everyone.

1#All purpose flour

Cup measurements to grams

1/8 cup=15 grams

1/4 cup=30.25 grams

1/3 cup=40 grams

1/2 cup=62.5 grams

3/4 cup=90 grams

1 cup= 125 grams


1 stick butter – 8 tbsp

Cups to Grams

1/8 cup=30 grams

1/4 cup=55 grams

1/3 cup=75 grams

1/2 cup=115 grams

2/3 cup=150 grams

3/4 cup=170 grams

1 cup=225 grams

3#White granulated Sugar-Dark Brown Sugar

 2 Tbsp= 25 g

 1/4 cup = 50 g

 1/3 cup = 67 g

 1/2 cup = 100 g

 2/3 cup = 134 g

 3/4 cup = 150 g

 1 cup = 200 grams

Check out the Standard measuring cups and spoons I use for all my recipes.

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