Making butter at home is not only easy but also very economical especially when you have plenty of cream at home. Homemade butter is very delicious and flavorful. Once you learn to make butter at home, I am sure, you will not buy from the stores. I use homemade butter for all my cakes, biscuits and sandwiches. I rarely buy butter or ghee outside and prefer to use homemade butter and ghee. Homemade butter is also free from any preservatives. Today we are going to learn how to make butter at home from scratch.

Making butter at home is really easy and also very economical especially when you have lot of cream (malai) at home. Homemade butter can be used as a side dish for parathas and adai. It can used for cakes, biscuits and sandwiches. Once you learn to make butter at home, you will never go for store bought ones. Homemade butter is so tasty and flavorful.
- Milk Cream (malai)
- Chilled water
- Curd
Boil milk. Let it cool to room temperature. Then refrigerate the milk overnight or for 5-6 hours.
You will find a thick layer of thick cream on the surface.
Collect that cream in a container, add a tsp of curd to it and store it in the freezer or in the refrigerator section. -
Collect cream everyday and keep adding to the already collected cream. Add a tsp of curd once in 4-5 days.
Once you have collected enough cream, you can make butter from it.
Take the cream from the refrigerator, add a tsp of curd/plain yogurt and keep it out overnight or for 5-6 hours. Let it come to room temperature.
After 6 hours- Place the cream in the blender/mixie/food processor . Add 2-3 cups of water.
Run the blender for 2-3 minutes. Then leave a gap for a few seconds and then run again.
After 10-15 minutes, you will see butter collecting at the top. The liquid remaining is buttermilk.
Collect the butter with a slotted ladle and place it in a bowl of chilled water.
Wash the butter 2-3 times in chilled water or until the water is clear. Drain the water completely. Press and squeeze as much water as you can from the butter and then store it in a container. -
Homemade butter is ready. Store in a container or any box in the refrigerator for a week. It can be stored in the freezer for a month.
Recipe Video
Enjoy it with adai and parathas or use it to toast bread or make cakes and biscuits.
Homemade Butter with Step wise pictures and instructions
How to collect Cream from Milk
Keep collecting the cream everyday for 15-20 days. Add a tsp of curd once in 4-5 days to the cream.
How to make butter at Home – Homemade Butter
Once you have collected enough cream, you can make butter from it. Take the cream from the refrigerator, add a tsp of curd/plain yogurt and keep it out overnight or for 5-6 hours at room temperature.
After 6 hours- Place the cream in the blender/mixie/food processor and add 2-3 cups of chilled water or plain water.
Run the blender for 2-3 minutes. Then leave a gap for a few seconds and then run again.
After 10-15 minutes of whipping, you will see butter collecting at the top as in the picture below. You will feel the mixture becoming light once the butter separates. The liquid remaining is buttermilk. Collect the butter with a slotted ladle and place it in a bowl of chilled water, so that the butter will become a little firm and it will be easy to handle.
Wash the butter 2-3 times in chilled water until the water is clear. Drain the water completely. Press and remove as much water as you can from the butter and then store it in a container.
How to store butter
The collected butter can be stored in a container or box in the refrigerator for a week. It can be stored in the freezer for a month.
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making butter at home is bliss, though it is a tough process while collecting when we see the out put the feeling is good
Its easy just keep on storing the cream montly once u can take out butter from that
Thanks for sharing this, my mother also make it with same process ..ghar ka makhan,,always mazydaar 🙂
thank u for sharing padma..
Hi i really love ur blog.Now i m making a daily visit.
Do u add water while boiling not getting thick cream eventhough I refrigerate milk.I use arokiya or aavin 4.5 milk.
Hi Abinaya – I do not add water when boiling milk. Also after boiling, do not disturb the milk. Leave it to cool. Then put it inside the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, you will find thick cream on the top. You must boil at least 1 liter of milk to collect cream. I use aavin 3.5 fat only. Usually I buy milk the previous day, boil, put it in the refrigerator and use it the next day morning after collecting the cream.
Thank u padhu for ur reply.will try ur method and collect cream.I have one doubt.I have a child she needs milk at night.won't previous day boiled cooled milk get spoiled.
Always give fresh milk for kids. Buy separately for her.
Thank u padhu for ur reply.
its a useful post. for making butter in home only i am purchasing aavin full cream milk but its unfortunately homogenized after my trial and browsing in net i found cant take cream out of it. mam u mentioned u taken butter out of aavin 3.5% milk do you mentioned aavin pro milk mam clear my doubt mam thank u very much.
What I buy is homogenized pasteurized Milk Fat 3.5% (the orange color packet from Aavin) .I buy 1 1/2 liters per day. So I am able to collect cream. I will boil the whole 1 1/2 liters, cool and put it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, you will find a thick layer of cream on the surface. I collect that and put it in the freezer and use the milk.When I have collected enough cream, I make butter as mentioned above.
hi, what do I do with the boiled and cooled milk? Does it still have nutrients in it? Thanks!
You can use that milk. We have removed only the fat.
Hello Padhu,
How are you?
We too make ghee and butter at home.My mom does it. We add a bit of curd on the first day itself to the container containing the milk cream. However I would try your method as sometimes I find that our butter milk becomes bitter.
I have a few questions to ask and they are as follows.
1)As you have mentioned, you collect the milk cream and keep it in the freezer department of the fridge. Then in our case should we cover the container tightly with a lid like that of a old tiffin box or should we just keep a small plate or over the container.
2) for how many days do you store or collect your milk cream??
3)and how much curd do you add on the last day to the container? and should the curd/yogurt be fresh or a bit sour would do the job as well?
4) n how to store the butter as u mentioned above in a normal katori with a lid without lid or in an airtight plastic tupperware container? Our butter actually starts getting sour in max 2 days in the fridge and if i keep it in the freezer then ice crystals start getting deposited on it.. We are using our old fridge GODGRJ COLD GOLD in which regular defrosting needs to be done…
Sorry for asking so many questions at a go but do answer them as it would be a big joyful help for me for us me n my mum.
take care
1.You should collect and keep it in a container with lid or even stainless steel tiffin box in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.
2.It depends on how much I collect it.Usually, I will collect until the container is full. You need atleast a cup of cream.
3.I add 2-3 tsps of curd and keep it outside. If the curd is a bit sour, it does not matter (may be a day old curd)
4. I store it in a good quality plastic container with lid in the freezer. It stays good even for a month. When needed, I keep it in the fridge section for a few hours to thaw, take the needed amount of butter and put the rest back in the freezer.
No problem Kirthi. I am here to help you.
Thank you so much dear…. I will incorporate the new changes suggested by you..While keeping the container in a stainless steel box in the freezer the lid needs to be shut tightly that means. And storing butter in the freezer for a month without it getting spoiled like developing a sour taste or even a bitter one is itself quite and achievement.
how many litres of milk is needed to get 100g of butter.
Hi padma,
Thanks for the detailed steps. I have a question do u store butter in water and how long it stays in fridge? Tia
No, you should not store butter in water. I have just put it in cold water immediately after whipping it, so that it will not stick to your hands. You have to squeeze out the water and store it in any container in the refrigerator.
Hi padhu. I did the same process u told to. I kept the cream overnight with 2 tsp curd at 10pm n try to make butter morning 9am. I got only buttermilk. What wrong I did? Pls correct me
Problem might be with your milk. If you follow the same procedure, you will definitely get butter. Try using 4.5 % fat milk.
Hi Padhu
I trued making butter just as per your instruction but it did not turn out really good..I used mixie for churning and the butter did not form on top.can u please suggest what went wrong
Might be problem with the milk. Try with some other milk.
I used 3.5 % fat milk ..but it did not come as mentioned.please suggest
Hi I tried making butter but only froth has formed. Even I've whipped many times but I got only froth n buttermilk not butter. Don't know where I did wrong. I used aavin milk 4.5 fat. How much time approximately will it take to form butter. Thank you.
There should be some problem with the milk. It will take only 10-15 minutes. Try with some other milk. You must get thick cream from milk after refrigeration. Then only you can make butter with the collected cream.
hi there,
After taking out the cream from the refrigerated milk, should we once again boil the milk for reuse or can we just heat it to make use of it? can we add curd to it to make it a curd?
You can heat it and use it.To make curd, add 1/2 tsp of curd to warm milk and mix well.
Hi Padhu,
I regularly follow ur recipes.
I tried making butter just as a trial with one cup of cream collected.
But it turned into buttermilk.
I'm using pasteurized homogenized toned milk with 3.0% fat.
Please let me know what is my mistake.
Then the problem is with the milk. They mix milk powder etc etc. You can try with cow's milk.
Hi sis, before seeing ur post I prepared butter and through that butter I prepared ghee.
I kept 1 tbsp curd and then I started to collect the fat from milk…..
While preparing butter and ghee some kind of smell is coming…. is this is boz of kept with curd already or???? Can you suggest
You have to keep the collected cream in freezer. You should keep it outside and bring it to room temperature only on the day, you will be preparing butter from it. Adding a tbsp of curd is not an issue.
My mixie does not have a whipper blade. Can I still do this in the mixie?
Hi padhu, thanks a ton for your step by step process with pictures. I made butter. My mixie don't have a whipper blade, still I ran it in mixie and used a ladder, kadakol , to accumulate it. Home made butter was excellent
Hi. Small question. Took cream several days from the top of boiled milk. Didn’t put curd or yogurt. Put in blender butbit couldn’t run properly because the cream had no water. It has made something with absolutely no butter milk. It has the consistency of icecream that is a little softened. The butter wasn’t made and there is no butter milk. What can I use this cream for? I put it all back in the fridge. Should I add water and try again?? Any leads will really help. It’s quite a bit. About 1k. It’s not flowing at all but it’s not butter. Please kindly help. Wanted to use the butter to bake a cake. Don’t want to waste it.
You can add water and try again or use it to make ice cream. Please follow the step as I have mentioned. Watch the video also. You will not fail. Preferable to use cow’s milk.
Thank you for sharing practical recipes. In your replies to queries you mentioned you use orange packet aavin milk. Doesn’t this have 6 % fat? not 3.5 % as mentioned in another reply?
Now a days I am not getting butter from aavin milk. I have no idea what changes they have made. So I use country cow’s milk which I get locally for collecting cream from which I make butter.
I have tried several times but couldn’t able to get butter. Instead getting cream but not getting butter. When put in blender, after blending the whole part is becoming lassi like mixture and even I blend for 15 min, still nothing changes. Felt very frastrated everytime, when I fails and had to throw all malai to dustbin. Pls tell me where I am doing wrong.
Change the milk. Try with some other milk. I use only cow’s milk and not which comes in packets.
Why add curd to creme and leave it overnight. Does it have any reason?
Hi. Can I boiled the milk again the following day to get more cream? Or must I get new milk to repeat the process?
You will not get cream from the same milk everyday. You have to get new milk.